CUPA-HR’s research publications and interactive graphics highlight trends and issues around higher ed workforce planning, pay equity, representation of women and racial/ethnic minorities, and more.

February 2019

Impact of the Economic Recession on Student Enrollment and Faculty Composition: 2003-2018

Many colleges and universities faced significant fiscal challenges after the 2008 recession. This report explores the im...

December 2018

A Snapshot of the Staff Workforce in Community and Technical Colleges

This brief provides data takes on staff composition and benefits, as well as the representation and pay of women and min...

October 2018

Focus on Student Affairs 2018

This research brief takes a closer look at the challenges institutions face in addressing the needs of students as indiv...

May 2018

Representation and Pay of Women of Color in the Higher Education Workforce

This report examines representation and pay equity for the intersection of two groups: women and individuals who identif...

August 2017

Institutions That Are Getting It Right

This brief highlights the data behind 11 institutions that had consistent success in terms of representation and pay equ...

March 2017

Pay and Representation of Ethnic Minorities in Administrative Positions

This brief provides a summary of how higher education has represented and paid racial /ethnic minorities in administra...

February 2017

The Gender Pay Gap and the Representation of Women in Administrative Positions

This brief provides a nuanced interpretation of how higher education has paid women in administrative positions from 200...


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