The Higher Ed Workplace Blog

Three Virtual Offerings to Spark Joy and Encourage Self-Care This Valentine’s Day

Even though it’s not mentioned in the job description, stress management is no doubt a daily part of your life in higher ed HR. Prioritizing well-being is also at the forefront of strategies to retain and recruit talent. CUPA-HR has found that 56% of higher ed employees are at least somewhat likely to look for a new position in the coming year, and the strongest predictors of retention are factors related to job satisfaction and well-being.

You know that attentiveness to mental and physical health helps you and your team thrive, but it may be difficult to find the time and budget to make wellness a daily practice. This Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to treat yourself and your team to the gift of well-being by scheduling time to participate in Well-Being in Higher Education, a week-long virtual event. From February 26 to March 1, CUPA-HR will join with 20+ higher ed associations to help you deepen your knowledge of well-being on your campus and offer moments of connection across the higher ed community.

CUPA-HR-sponsored sessions include:

  • An Integrated Approach to Fostering Workplace Well-Being
  • Managing Anxiety and Stress in the Workplace
  • Staff Well-Being: Its Role in Creating a Healthy Campus

You may also want to check out these related CUPA-HR resources:

Is saying “yes” your love language? Do you struggle to say no even when you don’t have the bandwidth? Learn how to say no with confidence in one of our most popular webinars of 2023, Managing Stress and Self-Care: “No” Is a Complete Sentence, which offers practical tools for minimizing stress and leads participants in creating a self-care plan.

Help stave off burnout by practicing the skill of resilience. While it may seem like some people are naturally more resilient than others, resilience is a learned skill you can develop and practice in your work and personal life. Learn how in this webinar and accompanying Higher Ed HR Magazine article.


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