The Higher Ed Workplace Blog

Are You Making These Mistakes When Referring to Employees With Disabilities?

Editor’s note: You may have missed this blog post when we published it in 2020. It’s been updated here with additional resources, including the new Disability in the Workplace Toolkit.

Efforts to help individuals with disabilities feel respected and included can quickly backfire if the words used to refer or speak to them are insensitive or offensive.

Are your words making them feel included or singled-out? Empowered or incapable?

HR pros can help ensure their institution’s inclusion efforts are successful on all fronts by using more appropriate and inclusive words and phrases when speaking about a person with a disability. Here are some examples of words and phrases commonly used when referring to individuals with disabilities, and what you can say instead:

  • Say “A person with disabilities” instead of “A disabled person.”
    A person’s disability isn’t the sum of what makes up their identity, just as someone’s culture isn’t the only facet of their identity. By using the former phrase, you’re putting the person first, not their disability.
  • Say “Low vision,” “Hard of hearing,” or “Uses a wheelchair” instead of “Impaired.”
    When speaking about a person’s disability, identify the specific disability rather than using the term “impaired.” “Impaired” implies that the person is weak or damaged and is an all-encompassing term that lumps people into one group, whereas each person’s disability is different.
  • Say “Adjustments,” or “Modifications” instead of “Accommodations.”
    Although it’s frequently used in legal contexts, the term “accommodations” implies that the individual with a disability is receiving a courtesy or special service, when the reality is that the modification is essential for the employee to complete their work.

Read other common wording mistakes and share them with leaders at your institution who could benefit from changing the way they speak to or about those with disabilities.

Related resources:

Mental Disabilities Under the Americans With Disabilities Act (On-Demand webinar)

Disability in the Workplace Toolkit (New!)

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Toolkit

ADA Toolkit

Workplace Inclusivity for People With Disabilities: Accommodating Specific Needs (Higher Ed Workplace Blog)

Workplace Inclusivity for People With Disabilities: Creating a Welcoming Environment for All (Higher Ed Workplace Blog)

Mentoring Circles for Disability Inclusion: Lessons Learned From the University of Kansas’ Pilot Program (Higher Ed HR Magazine)

Removing Hiring Barriers for the Disability Community (Higher Ed HR Magazine)