The Higher Ed Workplace Blog

4 Tech Trends to Incorporate Into Your HR Communications Strategy

With the dizzying pace of change in human resources these days, the need to capture employees’ attention and spur them to action has never been greater. At the same time, the distractions of our connected world are increasing exponentially.

In the article “Step Up Your HR Communications Game: What the Latest Technologies Can Do for You” in the current issue of CUPA-HR’s The Higher Education Workplace magazine, Kathy Anttila, senior communications consultant with Sibson Consulting, shares how HR can cut through the noise, stand out from the clutter, and reach employees where they are.

Here are four ways HR can use technology to engage employees:

Social media. According to Pew Research Center, 76 percent of adults who go online use some form of social media. Thus, says Anttila, it only makes sense to incorporate social media into your HR communications strategy. “We’ve seen institutions use social media in many creative, powerful ways, particularly in relation to wellness programs,” she says. “Websites linked to social media such as Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube and Twitter have become common platforms to stimulate interest and engagement through personal stories and shared interest groups.”

Video. As Anttila points out in her article, we are a world of watchers — as of April 2017, 1 billion unique users visit YouTube every month, which equates to nearly one out of every three people on the internet. “While video has been around a long time, technology is enabling many new, low-cost and engaging ways to use it,” she says. Some examples she provides: whiteboard videos (which can be helpful for building interest, motivating action and educating at a high level); testimonials (in the age of smartphones, employees can record and submit their own stories or photos with written comments, rather than an organization having to send out a video crew); and live-streaming (a great way to reach remote employees or disseminate information to a large group of people at once).

Apps. Since most of your employees are likely using apps, it’s important to include them in your HR communications strategy, says Anttila. One trend she is seeing is organizations pushing healthcare-related apps to their employees — apps that help with fitness training, self-management for diabetes and other chronic conditions, weight loss and maintenance, stress management, healthcare provider shopping and more.

Gamification. Games aren’t just for entertainment anymore. Says Anttila, “We’re seeing organizations starting to use gamification to inform, educate and motivate desired behaviors.” And, she says, you don’t have to develop a game from scratch, as many vendors will work with you to develop a game on their platform or to deliver their “off-the-shelf” solutions to your employees.

As technology continues to evolve, so must the ways in which HR communicates with and engages employees.

Read more about what lies ahead in the way of tech-savvy communications and how to strategize your HR communications approach in Anttila’s article, “Step Up Your HR Communications Game: What the Latest Technologies Can Do for You.” 


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