The Higher Ed Workplace Blog

FLSA Injunction–Changes Made, Changes Stopped and Changes Reversed

flsa_injunction_infog_2Following months of preparation for the December 1 FLSA changes, the injunction issued on November 22 temporarily stopped implementation, requiring quick action by higher ed HR and other campus leaders. Thanks to quick responses from chief HR officers from across the country, CUPA-HR is pleased to provide a comprehensive summary of the actions taken by institutions thus far.

We have created both an infographic, which provides an overall summary of actions taken, and a summary report, which provides more detail regarding specific actions taken by institution type. Please carefully review the results and share this information with presidents, provosts, chief financial officers, HR colleagues and anyone else who may be interested.

Please know that CUPA-HR and our D.C.-based government relations team will continue to very closely monitor all actions related to the FLSA and will provide immediate updates through our Washington Insider Alerts and the CUPA-HR website.


May 1 Update: Our system upgrade is complete. However, we are currently working to resolve an issue with the website login.