This schedule of events outlines the main areas of focus. In order to make the CHRO Summit as timely and relevant as possible, details will evolve and be updated prior to the event.

Spring 2023 Virtual CHRO Summit
Schedule of Events

Day 1 (Tuesday, March 21)

12:00-12:15 p.m. ET Welcome and Introductions
12:15-1:00 p.m. ET Discussion: Current and Future Challenges and Priorities 

During this segment, we'll focus on our current priorities and the challenges our campuses and HR teams are facing during the spring semester, as well as look ahead toward the summer and beyond.

Facilitated by Jeff Herring, Chief HR Officer, University of Utah, and CUPA-HR Past Chair

1:00-1:15 p.m. ET Break
1:15-2:30 p.m. ET  CUPA-HR Research: Your Data Resource for Workforce Planning and Decisions

In this session, we’ll explore the new Research Center and all the resources it provides to enable planning and decision-making for your workforce. This includes the detailed interactive graphics in the Research Center, our many research publications, our signature workforce surveys, new data on diversity and pay equity, the DEI Maturity Index, the Employee Retention Survey, and our quintessential benchmarking tool, DataOnDemand. We’ll discuss how you can use these resources to help you become the source of workforce information and the catalyst for workforce evolution on your campus.

Jackie Bichsel, Ph.D., Director of Research, CUPA-HR

2:30-2:45 p.m. ET Break
2:45-3:45 p.m. ET Washington Update: Higher Ed HR and Workforce Challenges and Opportunities   

What have we seen thus far, and what should we be preparing for regarding regulations and key policy initiatives under the Biden administration? What can we expect from Congress and its committees, including the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee? What initial and forthcoming executive action has and will continue to impact higher ed and the workforce? This session will provide insight into the legislative and regulatory landscape.

Josh Ulman, Chief Government Relations Officer, CUPA-HR

3:45-4:00 p.m. ET Summary and Closing Comments  

Day 2 (Wednesday, March 22)

12:00-12:15 p.m. ET Welcome and Introductions
12:15-1:30 p.m. ET The Mental Health and Well-Being of CHROs

Serving as the chief HR officer for a higher ed institution has always been challenging. Then came the pandemic, and now mounting recruitment and retention challenges. The job of CHRO can be a big, lonely role, often without anyone to turn to at our institutions for advice, understanding and commiseration. As we continue to support the mental health of our staff, faculty and students, where can we turn for support? We'll explore the importance of taking care of ourselves and have the opportunity to engage with each other regarding ways to manage the stress of very demanding roles and responsibilities.

Marcus Hotaling, Ph.D., Director of Eppler-Wolff Counseling Center at Union College, and President of Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD)

1:30-1:45 p.m. ET  Break
1:45-2:45 p.m. ET Lightning Rounds: Small-Group Discussions

This is your chance, in a small group of CHROs, to discuss specific questions and topics, such as:

  • Meeting current and future pay demands
  • Competing for talent in this labor market
  • Addressing disengagement and frustration
  • Leading with positivity

Facilitated by Jeff Herring, Chief HR Officer, University of Utah, and CUPA-HR Past Chair

2:45-3:00 p.m. ET Summary and Closing Comments


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