For Volunteers

Your Chapter Website

Because of your affiliation with CUPA-HR, the national association has created websites for chapters to use for sharing news and events. You can find your chapter’s website through the national website.

Your CUPA-HR chapter website has been created in WordPress. Someone on your chapter board should be designated to have access to regularly update your website.

The Purpose of Your Chapter Site

The chapter sites underwent a redesign that launched in October 2021.

Our goal with this redesign was to create a chapter template that aligns visually with CUPA-HR’s website and brand, simplifies the tools for managing the websites (so hand-off is easier from year to year), and keeps the focus on chapter events and opportunities to connect.

Your chapter’s website is the gateway to local events and professional connections for higher ed HR professionals across your chapter area. For many, it may even be their first experience with CUPA-HR.

Keeping Your Site Current

It is vital that chapters keep their sites current. The most important elements on the site are your board listing, an email where visitors can contact the chapter (or a board member) with questions, and your event listing (or a note saying you're planning for the current year and to check back soon).

The CUPA-HR Chapters WordPress Reference Guide offers step-by-step instructions for accessing and updating the website.

Need help? We are happy to provide log-in credentials, help troubleshoot or even to hop on a quick Zoom call if a screen-share would be helpful. Contact us at [email protected]





May 1 Update: Our system upgrade is complete. However, we are currently working to resolve an issue with the website login.