

Please note: Due to scheduled website maintenance and a system upgrade, JobLine purchases and updates will be suspended April 24-29. Job postings will still be viewable during this time.

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JobLine features HR positions at higher ed institutions across the nation.

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The only job board dedicated to HR positions in higher education.

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For Higher Ed HR Job Seekers

Here are other CUPA-HR resources that may be helpful as you search:

For Employers

The fee for a 30-day text-only posting is $195.  You can edit your job listing at any time by using the button below. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact CUPA-HR.

Please be sure to read the terms and conditions before purchasing an ad. If you need a screenshot of the job posting for reporting purposes, be sure to take one during the 30 days your posting is active.

Editing functionality will be unavailable April 23-29.

(Note: You must use the same login used to purchase the JobLine ad.)

 Employer Resources


May 1 Update: Our system upgrade is complete. However, we are currently working to resolve an issue with the website login.