E-Learning Courses

Is Your Institution Ready to Build More Inclusive Searches?

How many of these statements apply to your institution?

  • My institution has a well-defined strategy for recruiting and hiring diverse faculty and staff, and its objectives related to those strategies have been met.
  • HR is actively involved with faculty search committees — serving on or assisting the committee.
  • The institution has a strong retention record for new hires who are from under-represented demographic groups.
  • There are comprehensive evaluation criteria that search committees use to assess candidate pools at my institution.
  • Diversity and inclusion is broadly discussed as it relates to staff and faculty hiring.
  • Search committee members have a clear understanding of implicit bias, and are able to recognize and avoid it during the search process.
  • Each search committee member at my institution has an equal opportunity to share his or her thoughts and recommendations during the search process with regard to the ideal candidate.
  • Job descriptions for open positions include language above and beyond compliance-related Equal Employment Opportunity verbiage that will attract a diverse candidate pool
  • The institution regularly markets and advertises its open position in a way that attracts a diverse group of candidates

How Did You Do?

If you checked 3 or less — Like many institution, yours is most likely struggling to attract a diverse candidate pool for faculty and staff positions. The Building a Successful, More Inclusive Search e-learning course will help anyone involved in a search committee learn how to add value to the process and lead efforts to create a more diverse and inclusive candidate pool for both faculty and staff positions at your institution.

If you checked 4-6 — Your institution is doing well in many areas but could most likely use some help in developing more inclusive processes for its search committees. The Building a Successful, More Inclusive Search e-learning course will help anyone involved in a search committee learn how to add value to the process and lead efforts to create a more diverse and inclusive candidate pool for both faculty and staff positions at your institution.

If you checked 7 or more — Well done! Your institution appears to be doing well in many areas related to inclusive search committee processes. Is there still more work to be done, though? If so, the Building a Successful, More Inclusive Search e-learning course might be a great resource to help you continue to work on developing more inclusive searches for faculty and staff positions on your campus.


Please note: On April 29, some website services may be unavailable while we upgrade to a new system.